Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nauvoo, Illinois

Boyd and Sheri (Eric's Parents) are serving a mission in Nauvoo right now. We had the AWESOME opportunity to go back there in August and visit them. We had an incredible experience and are so thankful we were able to go. Our testimonies and famly were strengthened! What a blessing.

Eric and I had the opportunity to do Baptisms for the Dead with Kylan. It was the first time we had been in the temple with one of our children. It was very humbling and very spiritual. We were there around three hours. I can't wait until all five of us are in the temple together! I pray for that constantly!!

The first night we were in Nauvoo we surprised Grandma Schiess. She is in charge of one of the musicals there and we snuck in during the performance. It was really fun! Grandpa Schiess came and met us there. We were so excited to see them!!

I think this is a darling picture!

One of the Sister Missionaries there let Chloee try on her beautiful bonnet and shall. Doesn't she look beautiful sitting next to Grandma?