Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas Eve at Grandma Pearce's House
Every year since we got married (almost 15 years now - pretty cool huh??) we have gone to Mom and Dad's on Christmas Eve. All of us are there every year and it is the funnest time. This year instead of having a big sit down dinner, we had a big PIZZA party and it was so much fun. There was so much food....... What a blast!!!! There were 15 adults and 11 kids. Brayden, Kirsh and Maddie were at their mom's this year and we missed them so much. (Matt's kids) After dinner mom read from the bible and the children acted out the nativity. Mom and I took the kids downstairs to get them dressed and that was a blast. AHHHHH, 11 kids all excited for Christmas, putting costumes on. What a good memory. Right before we started, we realized we didn't have a Joseph. Mom looked quickly at Rilee and said "You can be Joseph". He was dressed to be a shepherd though and told mom that he needed to get dressed to look like Joseph. We told him he looked just great!! He took his part very serious as Joseph and was very loving to Mary (Sierra, Tim's little princess) Sierra told his dad he couldn't be late to grandma's, because she wanted to be the first to ask Grandma if she could be Mary. Chloee spoke it for next year.

Halle did a great job holding the star.

After the nativity we open presents. Mom and dad get all the grandkids a great gift and then the adults swap. It is so much fun!! I love my family!!!

We Love Build A Bear
Every year since Kylan was a baby, we have spent a weekend in Salt Lake in the month of December. We stay at a hotel, do a little shopping and spend time together. The busiest time for our business is August - December and it is so nice to leave for a few days and just enjoy eachother. A few years ago we started the tradition of taking our kids to Build A Bear - WHAT A BLAST! I really think I love it more than the boys and as much as Chloee. Going there can be expensive, but we give our kids a limit as to what they can spend and let them go. The last three years Eric's sister's family comes with us. Amy, Shawn, Jessica, Kasey, Josie and Johnny! This year Steven (Eric's little brother) and his wife Kam and daughter Ruthy met us there. It was so much fun! Kylan and Jessi have moved on and decided to spend their money somewhere else. I actually bought one this year.... The cutest Abominable Snowman. Chloee made me do it. Thankgoodness she lets him hand out with all of her furry friends. We swam at the hotel, watched movies, made our annual trip to Cabela's and ate! It is one of those traditions we will never forget. Ghavan told me this year that he looks forward to it all year. It is one of his favorite things we do as a family. It is one of mine too!!

Chloee and Johnny giving their new bears a shower. They LOVE This!!
Look at those smiles! They are best buddies! Something really great is that Tori's little boy Rilee goes to school with Johnny and they are great friends too!
This is Josie and Kylan. We eat at the food court at the Gateway. With 20 of us eating, we love going there because there is something for everyone!
Ghavan and Johnny eating! Looks like Ghavan got pizza!
Shawn & Kasey! I would have loved to get pictures of everyone, but everyone was off in a different direction getting their food!!

So Grandma Abbott sent Eric a darling Birthday card. They never forget any of our birthdays. In the card she wrote how much she loves our blog and she hopes we never stop doing it....... Then I remembered, it has been several months since I updated it and I am feeling pretty bad. So Grandma - thanks for the reminder!!!! We love you!! Well, a lot has happened around here that last six months. Lots of fun, memories, and craziness.
October 2010 - Let The Holidays Begin

We had a great Halloween this year. The kids are all still trick or treating! We got quite a stash of candy bars. Thanks to Mike & Elsie, we even got BIG candy bars. I don't think we were allowed to trick or treat at 13, but we have let Kylan. Usually one of us adults goes with them and they all trick or treat with their cousins. They aren't being a problem or causing trouble, so I figure "What The Heck"!! We always end up at Eric's sister's house after and the cousins love to party, party, party!!! Thanks for sharing your house Amy! Many great memories have been shared there. Kylan dressed up as a hunter, Chloee as a princess and Ghavan as a soccer player. They all looked great. I am a room mom for Ghavan's class and got to help with the craft this year. We also decorated cupcakes at home a couple times. That is always a messy kind of fun!

Ghavan and his two buddies.... Carson & Bracken. I am so grateful he has good friends!!

The kids and Grandma Dortha. We love Dortha very much and have only missed one year trick or treating at her house since Ky was a baby. She is the mother of Craig Jessop (he used to conduct the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). We LOVE and ADORE her very much. The one year we missed her house, she told us the next day that she waited for hours and we didn't come. We haven't missed her since. It wouldn't be Halloween without Trick Or Treating at her house.

We always hook up with Tori, Jer and the kids at Mom's house on Halloween night. What a wonderful tradition. Being raised far from all of our cousins, I really appreciate that our kids are so close with their cousins from both sides of the family. My kids call their cousins their best friends! This is Rilee (NINJA), Chloee (PRINCESS... Imagine That) and Halle the Good Witch! Love you kiddos!!

Cupcake Decorating With Johnny!! The kids had a total blast. I found these cans frosting with the decorating tips. I am sure they have been around for years, but obviously I was oblivious to them. They were at Wal-mart on this end cap that just jumps out at your kids. Then the price is so good, that you just have to buy them. It was well worth the money. They had a blast! I don't want to say how many they ate, but who cares right????? Happy Halloween!