Sunday, October 23, 2011

We Love Our Kids!!! - So I have never been a big fan of school pictures. They were horrible when we were kids. I mean, who would let their kids have their picture taken after two recesses and lunch. I remember two pictures of Matt and I that were Horrible!!!! So, rather than take my chances on the school pictures this year, we decided to walk over to the neighbors and take a few of our own pictures. (Thank You Mike & Elsie, we will tell you we used your yard when you get back from Disney Land tomorrow) We didn't get a family picture (because we were the only ones there) but we got some darling shots and had a great time. Pictures sure are easier when your kids are older...... Here are a few we wanted to share~

We really had a great time taking these pictures. I think Eric was saying everything from "Girls Are Cute" to "Ninja akkaka" - whatever makes them smile is great with me.

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